Learn about Career Transitions

The following is an interview with Career Transitions coordinator Marianela Gonzalez Q. Why is it important to have a program like Career Transitions? A. As newcomers, internationally health care professionals need to go through their settlement journey. Career...
Nurse transitions to new community

Nurse transitions to new community

Islam Hajras is an internationally educated nurse who arrived in Canada with her four underage children in July 2022, and applied for refugee status. Islam was born and raised in Palestine. A few months after her arrival, Islam started to search for a job. “I faced...
Marcus transitions to new career

Marcus transitions to new career

For more than 60 years, the Catholic Centre for Ottawa (CCI) has been helping refugees and immigrants settle, integrate and thrive in Canada. One of our programs is Career Transitions, a joint adventure with World Skills. This program provides focused training for...
A successful transition for Inga

A successful transition for Inga

After seven years of living in Canada, Inga Bohnekamp is sounding more and more like a Canadian. “The winters are so long and the summers here are so humid!” Inga started her Canadian adventure when she studied psychology as an exchange student in 2003–2004 at the...
Cleo becoming a family doctor

Cleo becoming a family doctor

When Cleo was a little girl in Taiwan, she dreamed of being a doctor. She studied hard and one day realized her dream. But when she moved to Canada with her husband, that dream almost died … until she connected with the Catholic Centre for Immigrants. Thanks to our...