Newcomers to Ottawa might think there are only four seasons in Ottawa – winter, summer, spring and fall.

But we know there is a fifth season. We call it tax season.

Navigating your way through the Canadian tax code can be confusing at times if you don’t have a lot of experience with it. This is why many people turn to Canadian Tax Amnesty Lawyers to help them sort through their tax and make sure they are staying above board.

If you’re not sure where to go to complete your tax return, we are here to give you a hand. The best thing to do is to step forward and get the help you need rather than get hit by a large expense later due to genuine human error. If you’re looking for a similar service for your small business tax return, then you may be better off looking for one of the toronto accounting firms, or a firm here in Ottawa, who have expertise in business taxes.

If your income for the tax year 2016 was modest, you might qualify to have your tax return completed for free at one of our Community Volunteer Income Tax Clinics held in March and April.

What is a modest income?

Your total family income should be less than the amount shown below. If you have un-established family income, for instance you play casino games online to earn extra money per month ( then you will need to discuss with a financial expert if this will affect your tax at all.

Family size Total family income
One person $30,000
One person with one dependant $35,000 (add $2,500 for each additional dependant)
Couple $40,000 (add $2,500 for each dependant)

If you believe you quality, please call us at 613-232-9634 to make an appointment. Then download this handy checklist, fill it out and bring along all the documents listed on it when you come in for your income tax preparation session.

It’s that simple and easy!