How do fun activities help settlement?

How do fun activities help settlement?

Every Wednesday evening, 40 women spend their afternoon on the main floor of CCI Ottawa — sewing. Meanwhile, another group of old and young newcomers go skating every Thursday evening at Lansdowne Park. In late summer, Michael Tay just wrapped up a paddling...
Settlement is not always easy

Settlement is not always easy

In a recent column, Le Droit’s Patrick Duquette called a Donald St. apartment complex, where many Syrians live, a ghetto and a ticking time bomb. (Story here) He reports that Syrians are unhappy with the pace of settlement, the lack of job opportunities, language...
Bust these myths about refugees

Bust these myths about refugees

Fake news. We’ve heard this phrase many times, especially if you happen to follow a certain U.S. President in the news. Fake news, though, is no laughing matter and it’s not just a problem in the U.S. With the proliferation of social media in the last 10 years and the...