Marcus transitions to new career

Marcus transitions to new career

For more than 60 years, the Catholic Centre for Ottawa (CCI) has been helping refugees and immigrants settle, integrate and thrive in Canada. One of our programs is Career Transitions, a joint adventure with World Skills. This program provides focused training for...
Programs help youth integrate

Programs help youth integrate

When young people go back to school, our youth program kicks into high gear. Although we offer youth programs all year round, the school year is a particularly busy time of the year for us. Community Connections Youth Program Coordinator Karen Molina answers a few...
Matching Program creates deep bonds

Matching Program creates deep bonds

The determination Marwan shows in his efforts to adapt to Canadian life is something to behold. The 39-year-old Iraqi man has reason. His past suffering has led him to a deep sense of gratitude to Canada, and he wants to integrate into the culture of his adopted...
Syrian family always giving thanks

Syrian family always giving thanks

Many of us will spend the Thanksgiving holiday with our family and loved ones. We’ll take a moment to appreciate the lives we enjoy and the everyday things we sometimes take for granted. For the Al Saraheen family, every day for the last year has felt like...
Circles help seniors connect

Circles help seniors connect

Theres an old saying that growing old is not for the meek. One of the many challenges some seniors will face as they grow older is isolation. For seniors who are immigrants and dont speak English very well, the isolation can be even more profound. Last year, the...