Home kits for newcomers

Home kits for newcomers

Every day we help newcomers settle and integrate into your community. Some of these newcomers arrive in Ottawa after having lived years in a refugee camp. As excited as they are to start a new life in Canada, they face many challenges, such as learning a new language,...
Meet Jimmy, a thriving newcomer

Meet Jimmy, a thriving newcomer

Venezuela is in crisis. The South American country has been in decline for years with a collapsing economy and increasing political opposition. In 2018, abut 4 million Venezuelans fled the country to escape violence, food shortages and hyperinflation. We want to...
Many partners help newcomers

Many partners help newcomers

Every day CCI Ottawa works with numerous partners to ensure newcomers are provided with the tools, resources and care to reach their full potential. Every month, we want to highlight for you the work of another agency. This month, the Ottawa Mennonite Refugee...
Helping others is the Canadian way

Helping others is the Canadian way

Ten years ago, a friend and I started an initiative to help newcomers during the holidays. We donated a large load of groceries to a newcomer family in need. We connected with the family through my mother’s friend. Two years later, in 2012, I connected to the Catholic...
Growing strong after one year

Growing strong after one year

By Megan Russell The Karen people, or Kayin as they call themselves, are an ethnic group from Southeast Asia. They are the second largest ethnic group with around 6 to 7 million people in Burma alone. Unfortunately, many of the Burmese Karen people had to flee across...