This message by former Board President Larry Hill was published in our 2016-2017 annual report.

The Catholic Centre for Immigrants deals in human capital: the knowledge, social, personality and creative attributes that produce value.

That value is manifested in the dedicated, compassionate and professional work of CCI staff and, in turn, they nurture it in our newcomer clientele.

Led by Executive Director Carl Nicholson, this organization has garnered a high level of confidence by our clients, the community, our peer organizations, and by local, provincial and federal funders.

During the past year, our financial situation has continued to be secure and stable. Prudent planning has ensured that expensive building repairs did not adversely impact our finances. The Board’s Audit Committee manages our legal risk checklist, an instrument that ensures Board and organization business obeys applicable laws and acts in accordance with ethical and professional practices.

Both the Board and staff anticipate a major shift in senior management in the next few years due to retirements. Work is underway to create a succession plan which includes elements of strategic and human resource planning that will ensure CCI is structured to meet current and future challenges.

It is time for the Board to adapt our processes to meet the expectations of new generations of leaders and current and future Board challenges. For the first time, we advertised for those from the community interested in serving on our Board. This process involved examining résumés, holding interviews, and utilizing a matrix of skills and experience.

Our Board is fully voluntary and our members are responsible for steering the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure there are adequate resources to advance the CCI mission.

“There is a reason why peoples of the four corners of the globe are here now. It is because we need each other.”
Albert Dumont, Algonquin Elder
Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg

Recently, there has been a surge of anti-immigration as characterized by Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, and by the protectionist policies and decisions in the United States. While Canada has maintained a more diversified viewpoint, it would be prudent to recognize the potential for similar feelings here. As a nation, we must continue to celebrate inclusivity and respect for each other.

This is my last report as CCI Board president. It has been an honour and a privilege to serve this organization, the staff, and the people who benefit from our programs and expertise, as well as those who have volunteered precious time to assist in fulfilling our work.

Larry Hill
CCI Board President